FOAB Information

Friday 15 March 2013

Super, Smashing, Great

While it is nice to know that my advice is listened to inside the Vatican, i don't think they quite understand my point in my previous post when i told them to choose an old, white male famous person because the man who got the call from the Cardinals was obviously Jim Bowen. 
While i am sure that Jim would do a great job when it come to Ecumenical matters, everytime i see him i just hear him in my head him saying 'super, smashing, great' and telling people what they could have won which was usually a speedboat.
I'm not sure what the Catholic Church needs most at this moment in time is a Northern Comedian but he's catchphrase 'Nothing in this game for two in a bed' would be handy for dealing with some of those less than celibate Catholic priests.
I would   


  1. for someone who doesn't believe in God and that doesn't see much if anything positive about religion you sure seem fixated on this Pope thing.


  2. Of course, Jim Bowen! Bullseye! I knew I'd seen him before! :-)

    'Triples for show, doubles for dough'...

  3. If they will insist on walking off and electing game show hosts to replace them then i will keep on the Pope thing q.

    No more BFH, Bus Fare Home, he got the Popemobile now.

  4. I compeletly didn't get what you were writing about. Who the hell is Jim Bowen?

    Still I care as much about Bowen as I do the Pope and I still say you are obsessing...


  5. I didn't expect you to know who Jim Bowen was but you don't need to, just remember to stay of the black and into the red.

    The new Pope is the Zeitgeist q, that's what we bloggers do unless i am very much mistaken. Pope in the news, pope gets blogged about. Don't fret though, i'm sure i will soon be back onto your mad gun laws and other subjects you like to debate.

  6. I think it shows a commendable global consciousness to be interested in the new Pope while living in a country that, for the most part, doesn’t really give a flying one about the Catholic Church. Living in the UK, it’s easy to forget that it is basically the largest organisation on Earth (by some measures the largest charitable organisation; and by others the largest corporation). It’s massive anyway. I’ve just come back from Pisa on business and it’s all people are talking about there... OK, I guess you’d expect that in Italy, but still… 1.3 billion adherents worldwide, many of them in the 3rd world. If you’re interested in global affairs generally (and issues like third world development in particular) then you should have at least a passing interest in what’s happening at the Vatican.

  7. Cheezy, is that what lucy was doing. i thought she was ragging on the pope and believers... foolish me i just don't understand you brits.

    Lucy, that is what some bloggers do... i didn't realize there was a standard.


  8. You can do both i.e. show an interest and have a bit of fun.

    That's what keeps me coming back to read Lucy's stuff - cos it's not just dry information. There's an opinion, and usually a joke or two.

  9. i think including humor is difficult. i don't have as much trouble sharing opinions...

    get it, funny because it is obvious. right?


  10. I know that you don't always get the humour q and i dare say there have been a few times where you and others have taken an attempt at a witty aside as a serious point which must skew my view for you sometimes i guess.

  11. lucy,

    after many years of exchanging view points and occasional barbs i consider our (at least you, me, cheezy, and nog) interchanges a relationship of sorts that i appreciate. recently i've sensed an internal pressure to be more tolerant and maybe gentler, at least with you and cheezy. nog and i think more along the same lines and have less conflict. of course, there are others, but i prefer to ignor them rather than address them.

    the first thought that came to my mind was to use more humor so i've been pondering it for a couple of months, but i find it very hard. i've been considering a shift along the lines of gary larson or dilbert, somewhat edgy but with humor. that is when it dawned on me that if i had that talent/skill, i'd be a rich millionaire like them...

    it is not easy.


  12. My workmates were talking about Dilbert just the other day. I used to love reading that, particularly when I was just starting out working in a 'corporate' office environment. The satire was spot on. One of my colleagues said that Scott Adams hasn't really had to think about an idea/concept for a strip himself for many years now, as he just uses stories/anecdotes that people send him about real life workplace absurdities. I can certainly imagine that this is true, even if it's an exaggeration...

  13. Don't go easy on me q (can't speak for Cheezy but i would expect he would feel the same), if you think i am wrong then tell me why, i won't take it personal (you may want to move your rabbits indoors and hide your pots though).

    I know people write in many different ways but on the not serious ones, i generally get the joke first and build a post around it.

    For this post it went: hey the new pope looks like Jim Bowen and Jim Bowen's catchprase was 'nothing in this game for two in a bed', that would be handy for dealing with celibate priests. Everything else was padding with a bit of Father Ted thrown in.

    Hey, i never said the jokes were funny.
