FOAB Information

Friday 1 March 2013

The UKIP Manifesto

Well done to the United Kingdom Independent Party for a great result in the Eastleigh by-election last night, finishing above the Tories in second place is quite an achievement but of course with success comes a spotlight on exactly what you stand for.
Obviously a right wing party, UKIP have had their share of problems with the UKIP councillor saying it was dangerous to allow those who do not work to vote and the 'eggnog for nig-nogs' joke that was 'taken out of context' of course.
We also know about their leader, the very smiley Nigel Farage, being vice-president of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) which includes far-right groups such as the Danish People’s Party, the True Finns Party, the Dutch SGP and Lega Nord.
As their profile grows, i'm sure UKIP will get around to updating their website where the current manifesto resides, so let's take a look at what UKIP stand for.

First up on their list is is gay marriage and UKIP are opposed to it, just as they are burquas which they would ban along with Working Tax Credits and obviously the European Union which they would withdraw from even before the removal men have finished moving in the sofa.
Maternity and sick pay would be removed, replaced with a weekly parental allowance of £64 per week and employees who have been at the job for less than two years would lose the right to challenge unfair dismissal or discrimination. 
The higher rate of income tax would be scrapped and Income tax and National Insurance would be rolled into one basic rate tax of 31% for everyone and there would be a spending rise of 40% on the countries armed forces as well as maintaining Britain’s nuclear deterrent. 
They would introduce an American style ‘three strikes’ sentencing policy and embark upon a 25-year programme of building nuclear power stations while opposing wind farms and call  a halt to funding the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change and reduce the public service by another 2 million jobs.
Vivisection would be banned on medical and ethical grounds, as would inhumane slaughter of animals on religious grounds and they would introduce proportional representation in national and local elections along with a right of recall whereby electors can force a by-election.

Thanks Nigel, while i find myself nodding in agreement with the last four items in your manifesto, i scowled at the rest so i think i will put my X elsewhere the next time i am in an election booth.

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