FOAB Information

Thursday 25 April 2013

Here We Go Again

Ever since it first flared up, America and the Nobel Peace Prize winning President has been itching to get involved in the Syrian uprising and Israel has been itching for America to get involved but what with the last few wars ending up as debacles, it hasn't been an easy sale to the American public.
The WMD excuse was used in Iraq, the humanitarian angle was used in Libya and fighting against terrorism was used in Afghanistan so a new excuse would need to be found but instead with a nod towards the Iraq adventure, it's WMD's again in Syria or rather the use if Chemical weapons. 
'The use of Chemical weapons are a red line the Syrian Government must not cross' said America and then Israel piped up that actually, they have evidence that the Syrian Government has been using Sarin giving the Obama Administration the perfect excuse to say 'Well, that's a red line crossed, all the options including military are now on the table'.
Not to condone the use of Chemical weapons or standing beside the Assad regime but i would trust Israeli intelligence about as far as i could throw a piano and considering the people the Assad Government are fighting are linked with Al-Qeada and would be termed terrorists if they were in any other country and have been car bombing and slashing as much as the Syrian forces, how do we know that any Sarin used was not delivered courtesy of them?
To remove Assad would weaken the Iranians who are allied to Syria and that is the aim and providing assistance to the rebels is obviously not working.
Like in Libya, the mission creep is now underway so Syria can look forward to exciting times ahead involving depleted uranium and phosphorous bombs because when we use Chemical weapons, it's a good thing and when we force out one Government and install another more Western friendly one, it's all under the name of Democracy and Freedom.
Has a Peace Prize ever been revoked? Get onto it Sweden because the 2008 winner seems about to embark on another round of killing lots and lots of people.

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