FOAB Information

Friday 26 April 2013

More Gun Madness In USA

Four people dead and more than 100 wounded at the hands of the Tsarnaev brothers and America goes into terrorism alert and lock down while after 20 children are shot dead in a primary school, the Government can't even bring in legislation to stop lunatics arming themselves with military grade weapons.
The result is American schools children are being covered in bulletproof uniforms, not stopping the madmen getting hold of the guns in the first place you note but armour plating the children instead. 
'It's a fully functional backpack!  It's the latest in ballistic protection for school children!  Ballistic protection level:  NIJ Level II' according to the website, and the Denver company that supplies the rucksack has sold over 300 in the last two months and received enquiries from some 2,000 families across the US and is in discussions with 12 schools to supply them with ballistic safety vests.
Where the Patriot act was the result of 3000 deaths from terrorism in 2001, a background check to prevent criminals or those with mental illness from purchasing guns was dismissed as an attack on civil liberties despite 30,000 Americans dying each year from gun violence, 360,000 since 9/11.
The same day of the marathon bombing in Boston, 11 Americans were murdered by guns but gun deaths seem to be an acceptable price to pay for the second amenders, much rather cover its children in armour plating, and turn its schools into fortresses than make sure fewer guns are in the hands of nutters.
It seems common sense to the rest of us that encouraging a gun culture and flooding the country with weapons is not the answer to violent gun crime and in any sane society the problem would be seen as the easy availability of guns and the solution as the need to regulate the industry.
If you don't see a problem when your children may have to wear bullet proof clothing, just so they can go to school, then your supposedly civilised country has gone too far and the lunatics really are running the asylum.
Madness. The gun manufacturers get to keep selling guns, the protection companies get to sell protection to parents and the gun owners get to keep buying weapons to keep them safe from the much fabled attack from gun wielding maniacs waiting for them to put down their weapons so they can rape and pillage the family home.
Everyone's a winner. Apart from the 30,000 who die each year of course but nobody seems to care much about them.


  1. sounds like ou had a tad too much coffee when you put this post together...


  2. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and i am very flattered that you have copied my comment to you back at me, i knew it was a good one.
