FOAB Information

Sunday 7 April 2013

Shameful Justification Of Trident

When it suited Cameron to play up North Korea as a threat this week to bolster the case for Trident, he did so saying it would foolish to leave the UK defenceless at a time when the highly unpredictable and aggressive regime in North Korea was developing ballistic missiles that could eventually threaten Europe.
Now foreign secretary William Hague comes out with a message to the contrary, saying that intelligence suggested Pyongyang did not pose a major threat.
Judging by what we have been witnessing recently the highly unpredictable and aggressive regimes are in Washington, London and Tel Aviv, count the wars and deaths coming from the offices of those places since 2001 compared to the ones we like to describe as threats to World Peace such as Iran, North Korea and Syria.
It is outstanding logic that the UK needs its 160 nuclear missiles to deter North Korea who are threatening the United States who has 2150 so it can just be Cameron is trying to justify having a very expensive and dangerous toy.
It is hard to think of a reason why when they are slashing and cutting everything to save money, the Government keep on pumping billions into keeping our nuclear arsenal while the odds of us being attacked by one of the other six nuclear powers is so remote to be negligible.
The only possible justification anyone could making for remaining a nuclear power is the deterrent factor but that argument left the building a long time ago when the Soviet Union ceased to exist and terrorist cells, infuriatingly unbowed by our big, shiny nuclear missiles, became the focus.
The fact is we don't need Trident so it seems the height of indulgence to keep bankrolling it while everything else is spinning down the drain through lack of funding and to use North Korea as a justification is shameless, cynical, opportunist and quite ridiculous.

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