FOAB Information

Saturday 13 April 2013

Phew. That Was Close

Wow, this could have been embarrassing. A Japanese official mistakenly announced North Korean missiles had been launched instead of sending an alert about an earthquake.
The official was trying to send a message to check on possible damage immediately after the 6.3 magnitude earthquake in the southwestern part of the country but instead dispatched a pre-prepared alert ready to be sent in the event of a North Korean missile launch.
This proves 2 things to me.
Firstly, this is just the sort of silly mistake everyone dreads that could spark a major conflict by accident and secondly, the earthquake hit Japan and not North Korea so America has not quite got the calibration right on the HAARP earthquake maker. A couple of hundred miles to the left chaps.


  1. Where's Stanislav Petrov now that we need him (again)?

  2. The Petrov story is amazing, i remember hearing or reading or being told that he was only on duty that day because someone phoned in sick.
