FOAB Information

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Arms Industry To The Rescue

Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results so it is with amazement that Britain and France can declare a 'victory' in stopping the EU arms embargo being renewed which now enables them to supply arms to the Syrian opposition from 1 August.
London and Paris were the only capitals of 27 EU countries that backed allowing the embargo to lapse this Friday, UK foreign secretary William Hague arguing that even the threat of arms would force Bashar al-Assad to the negotiations.
Leaving to one side for the moment how in a Democracy two countries out of 27 can have their own way, in what World do the British and French live where such bizarre logic as sending even more arms to a place where 70,000 plus have already died is a peaceful move that will reduce the killing?
With no popular support amongst the EU countries to arm the rebels, the UK and France are pretty much going it alone with the imbecilic John McCain cheer leading from the sidelines.
In retaliation, the Russians have taking the 300 previously mothballed S-300 anti-aircraft missiles and have dispatched them to Syria using the same mad logic as Hague that the were a 'stabilising factor' that could dissuade 'some hotheads' from joining the conflict.
A great success for the negotiating skills of our Foreign Secretary then as Syria is now being filled with more and more heavy weapons on either side in the most volatile part of the world.
The lessons of arming insurgents in Afghanistan in the 80's and more recently in Libya as well as the mess we created in Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya have obviously been ignored as has recent terrorist attacks on their own soil which have not taught the British and French governments anything about the wisdom of sponsoring terror in other countries.
A taste of what to expect if the Al-Queada linked rebels get their hands on Syria is evident in the rebel held city of Raqqa, where shops which sell alcohol and gambling establishments have been brutally put out of business and a Sharia Court has been set up and women are assaulted for not covering their heads or being out alone. 
The rebels consider 'democracy' and elections' as un-Islamic but these car bombing, chemical weapon firing nutcases are who we are supporting.
The murderous, chemical weapon firing Government is who the Russians are backing and stuck in the middle are the poor Syrians who are dying in their droves.
There are no good guys in this fight and we should be staying out of it so Hague and his French counterpart are crazy if they think that pouring more petrol on this bonfire will bring peace.
We were lied to regarding Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya was a scandalous sleight of hand so we can't be fooled again by the deceiving William Hague and our Government over our insane actions in Syria.
With Russia arming one side, the West the other and the loose cannon that is Israel in the mix, this is not going to end well for anyone, least of all the Syrians.


  1. Lucy, with the U.S. being the world's greatest warmonger and largest armament manufacturer and seller, the world can look forward to endless war.

    With Britain egging the U.S. on with its imperialism, the situation is made much worse.

    Once upon a time, Britain used to stand for something and it had some admirers. No longer.

    It has become America's bum-boy in the hope it might get some of America's spoils should it succeed in gaining world domination.

    Australia, a non-event in world politics, has gone from worshiping the British Empire to sucking up to the brutal, greed-driven American Empire.

    We are in for a heavy time of it and it won't be long!

  2. For some reason David my comments haven't been turning up on your site for a while now and i kept meaning to mention it. Not sure what i have been doing wrong or what has changed but they are just not appearing.

  3. Hey, Lucy, I don't know why your comments haven't been being published. I certainly haven't changed anything at my end.

    Of course, the spooks might have put some kind of blocker on my site although I haven't had any complaints from anyone else.

    Take care and please try again! After all, we are on the same team basically.

  4. I just tried again with the tick taken out the Open ID box and with it in and still not showing. I have the required boxes completed so really don't know why they are not showing. Sometimes comments here go into a spam box and i have to mark them as not spam but not sure if Wordpress has something similar. If they are not there then i'm out of ideas.

  5. Wordpress has the same feature. I've gone back in my spam file and cannot find any messages from you.

    I'm out of ideas too! I'll check with my son who's my computer whiz.

    P.S. Why not try the name/url box?
