FOAB Information

Saturday 18 May 2013

Eurovision Result

Twenty six songs entered but only one of them could win and after the tears and tantrums and strange men in a perspex box, the dust settles to leave only Denmark standing and throned the country with the best song this year.
The Danes beat the Maltese song about an IT consultant and the Greek song about alcohol being free which is patently untrue but could explain why Greece are in economic crisis if they are not charging for alcohol.
It does annoy me when contestants only sing parts of their song in English. Either sing the whole thing in English so we know what it is about or sing it in your own language so we don't have a clue.
And what about the voting, Britain ended up in 19th place with only Sweden, Romania, Switzerland, Spain, Malta, Ireland and Slovenia giving us any points and the rest of the continent completely blanking us which we should remember the next time they come around with the tin cup because their banks have stolen all their savings.
So it's off to Copenhagen next year to do it all over again but considering the Euro countries are all skint, Denmark might be regretting it when they get the Eurovision bill for hosting it.
They should have just picked an 80's warbler and gave her a rubbish song like we did. We had the right idea, you Danish lunatics.

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