FOAB Information

Thursday 16 May 2013

I Know You Got Soul

According to the British Religion in Numbers website, 41% of British people believe in angels, 53% in an afterlife, and 70% in a soul.
While i'm not really sure what the difference is between a ghost and an angel, i have no idea whatsoever what a soul is even though i have heard James Brown telling me i had it for the past two decades.
The local reverend described it as 'the imperishable part of every human being that was created by God and lasts eternally after the body experiences death' which sounds much like a ghost (or angel) to me and what about the human spirit, is that the same thing as a soul?
So if the body is just the vessel that carries the God made human soul and every human has one, why have we never detected it and where does it reside?
As i'm in a theological mood, how did God get to have a son and why didn't Eve run screaming like a banshee when a snake spoke to her, i get spooked by parrots speaking, if i heard a snake talking to me about apple trees i'd be out of that garden quicker than an Aussie in a dry bar.
There does seem to be a lot of songs, poems and stories about souls but man has been around for 6-7 million years and in that time a lot of people have come and gone but nobody seems to have seen, heard or witnessed a soul so where does the 70% or 43 million Brits who believe in a soul get the idea that we have one from and in that time a decent percentage must have been sent to hell to languish for all eternity so does God make new ones or are the same ones just tossed back down again?
It's all very confusing which is just as well i am in the 30% who ignore James Brown and the Religionists who tell me i have a soul and don't trouble themselves with the idea of a soul.
If i did i would be asking are souls assigned to bodies by any special criteria, are there billions of souls just waiting to be assigned a body and is it the soul that makes me me and if so, what about Karma?
Luckily i don't have to worry about it. 

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