FOAB Information

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Kerry Does Moscow

Who would be a US Secretary of State trying to get involved in another war these days when it seems the bunch you are trying to paint as the good guys are doing worse things than the ones you are saying are the bad guys.
John Kerry turns up in Russia just as the UN panel investigating human rights abuses in Syria say it's the rebel forces throwing around the Sarin.
The easy way to swerve that matter is to say: 'We are highly sceptical of any suggestions that the opposition used chemical weapons. We think it highly likely that Assad regime was responsible' as the White House did today completely ignoring the people doing the investigating. Funny how movable that the red line is.
Then Israel, not much liked for good reason at the best of times, had a go at provoking a response from the Assad Government by sending its jets into Syria to drop a few bombs resulting in a swift international rebuke from everyone including the UN and two of Syria's mains regional rivals, Turkey and Saudi Arabia who called for: 'swift action by the UN security council to stop these Israeli attacks on Syrian territories'.
To top it off a group of UN peacekeepers were detained in the Golan Heights by the same rebels who kidnapped 21 UN peacekeepers rebels last month before releasing them with the weak excuse that they were 'holding them for their own safety' as there was some 'clashes and heavy shelling' going on.  
Why the Americans, Brits and French are so keen to boot out Assad and impose a bunch of jihadists on the Syrian population is anyone's guess but i trust Putin and Kerry chat will go along the lines of the Russian telling the American that he can whistle if he thinks he will support them in helping Al-Queada in Syria into power.
The hand of the forces wanting to bring murder and mayhem to Syria as they did in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya is getting weaker with every passing day as the rebels show themselves to be worse than the people they are hoping to replace.
The West has backed the wrong horse and is too pigheaded and arrogant to admit it but it won't stop John Kerry trying, we can just hope he gets back on the plane with a Russian flea in his ear.


  1. "The West has backed the wrong horse"

    Well, yes. But only because there's no 'right horse' in this race, and the penny hasn't yet dropped that it's time for the punters in charge go cold turkey on gambling for a while...

    I guess instigating regime change must be addictive. It's a dangerous thing when your foreign policy stops being about your own security and starts being out the pursuit of other goals, which is most definitely what's happened in the case of the US (and by extension, the UK too).... particularly after 9-11, but also before.

  2. i agree, no right horse, and acting like it doesn't matter or it won't affect us is beyond naive.

    regime change is as old as civilization. maybe it is at a peak, but it is not new and has never been dormant.

    isn't that what the serpent was doing in the garden of eden...


  3. Yep, we shouldn't have backed any horse and kept our noses out but it seems we couldn't and we have lined up behind the rebels who are arguably worse than what was already there.

  4. What ever happened to talking serpents?

  5. they went to hell...

