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Friday 10 May 2013

You Can Trust Me, I'm Tom Hanks

It's known as the prisoners dilemma or split or steal and the amount of times i have been hoodwinked by celebrities who have stole while i split is embarrassingly high but i know what my problem is, i have not been playing with the right celebrities because the Readers Digest have compiled a list of the 100 must trusted American celebrities and i have obviously been splitting with the wrong ones.
Top of the tree and most honest is Tom Hanks, then Sandra Bullock, Denzil Washington, Meryl Streep and author Maya Angelou. No me neither.
Other celebrities you can trust to hold your drink while you pop to the loo are Stephen Spielberg, Bill Gates, Julia Roberts, Clint Eastwood, Ellen DeGeneres, Michelle Obama, Jimmy Carter, Colin Powel, Johnny Depp,  Muhammad Ali, Ben Affleck, Whoopi Goldberg who are the people i would recognise.
The next 50 are not quite so trust worthy so you take a chance that you may come back from the loo to find an empty glass on the bar are Hillary Clinton, Dwayne Johnson (the Rock), Oprah Winfrey, Adam Sandler, Barack Obama, Condoleezza Rice, Halle Berry, Ben Stiller, Tim Burton, Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz.
So if you are stuck for a babysitter and you are flicking through your list of American A-list celebrities but are unsure which ones will run around with the hoover and which ones will have your DVD player on ebay as soon as you close the door, go for Hanks or Bullock and only call Hillary Clinton as a last resort or you have a dress with a stubborn stain that you just can't shift.


  1. this is a perfect example of failure in the "wisdom of the masses" and pure democracy.

    whoever was polled thinks actors are to be trusted. really? people that are professionals at portraying themselves as someone else; experts at deceiving us.

    way to use your brain america.


  2. I couldn't find the question they were asked but i assume it was which American celebrity do you find most trustworthy which is why there are so many actors on the list. That said, there was a good portion of names that i didn't recognise so don't know what they do.
