FOAB Information

Thursday 6 June 2013


Michelle Obama was halfway through a speech at a Democrat fundraiser this week when an audience member started shouting about gay rights.
'One of the things I don't do well is this' the first lady said moving towards the protester and said the person could either, 'listen to me or you can take the mic, but I'm leaving'.
The crowd started shouting for Mrs Obama to stay and the protester was then escorted out of the event.
Not the best reply i have ever heard to a heckler and i have heard of some crackers.
During a particularly poor theatrical version of Ann Franks Diary, when the Nazi's turned up at her door someone in the audience shouted out 'she's in the attic'.
Frank Skinner tells a funny story of how a blind man shouted at him: Your crap Skinner, Get off, you bastard! and then seconds later, 'Has he gone yet?'
Not really a heckle but i once saw a footballer hand his shin pads to a wheelchair fan sat in the crowd at the end of the game. Not sure of he realised it was the opposition fans end but as he turned to walk back to the changing rooms, the shin pads flew through the air and whacked him on the back of the head.
The funniest heckle i have ever heard about was attributed to a fan at a U2 concert and between songs Bono asked the audience for some quiet. Then in the silence, began slowly clapping his hands.
'Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies'. he said solemnly.
A voice from the audience pierces the silence: Stop clapping your f***ing hands then!'
Don't know if it is true but it should be, makes me laugh every time.


  1. the thing is this, we expect the spouse of the president to be almost as composed as the queen. the way she responded might have been what we would do, but not what the first lady should do...


  2. It may be old fashioned but i expect the spouses of political leaders to not be making speeches and to stay in the background. I think that was why i disliked Cherie Blair so much and why i have never taken to Mrs Obama.
