FOAB Information

Saturday 29 June 2013

Here Comes The Sun

As i whinge here every year, Summer is my least favourite season but as this is Britain we don't often get the high temperatures of some of the other places on the globe but my thermometer showing around the mid 20s in mid-summer i can handle for a few days and worth it if we get a huge thunder storm out of it.
Spare a thought then for the people in Western USA as the weatherman is saying the mercury is expected to hit 54C or 130F this weekend in California and the officials have set up a number of safety measures such as cooling stations for the homeless and elderly.
200 people were treated for heat problems at an outdoor concert and another 30 hospitalised for heat-related injuries at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas yesterday and rangers took up positions in Nevada to persuade people not to hike.
Zookeepers in Phoenix hosed down the elephants and fed tigers frozen fish snacks. Dogs also treated for burnt paws on scorched pavement and airlines kept close watch on the heat for concerns that flights could be delayed as high temperatures make it more difficult for planes to take off.
National Weather Service meteorologist Mark O'Malley said: 'This is the hottest time of the year but the temperatures that we'll be looking at for Friday through Sunday throughout a lot of the southwestern United States is going to be baking hot.'
I don't know if 'baking hot' is a proper meteorological term but it is something -ing hot anyway.
Stay cool, slap on the suncream and if you are one of those people who insist on asking 'Hot enough for yer?' to everyone, don't, because it is really, really annoying.


  1. Wear loose white shirt, loose khak shorts, sandles. Sit in the shade and drink your favorite iced drink. It is fabulous...

    Some people wear less clothing. ;-)


  2. Socks with those sandles? It seems the one's who wear less clothes are the ones who shouldn't be wearing less clothes. There are only so many stomachs overhanging trouser tops that anyone can see in one day.

  3. Every human decision is seen as having pros and cons...


  4. High today 33c, 28c on Monday. Really not that hot for July in Texas. I mean geographically we are closer to equator than southern Spain.


  5. Texas is even south of Cairo!


  6. It's abo1ut 25C here today, very warm. We are pretty much in line with Calgary in Canada.

  7. Yeah, and down in Texas we say that is even North of Yankee land. You probably have to be from the Deep South to understand. If you get a chance listen to some Justin Wilson comedy and you might get a glimmer...

