FOAB Information

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Sweet Nazi Child O' Mine

There seems be some gene in the human make-up that makes us want to be more interested in the bad guys than the good guys.
There seems to be a length of time where the bad guys become less bad and move into a strange zone where they are almost celebrated. Scandinavians sport horned helmets at sporting events to celebrate their Viking heritage and Italians don Roman garb while the French turn their hats sideways and stick their arm in their tunic in homage to Napoleon. All murdered tens of thousands but all acceptable to wear to cheer on their football team. 
At some point in the future, nobody will bat an eyelid when German fans turn up wearing a SS Uniform but 2013 probably is a bit soon unless you are Heath Campbell.
Mr Campbell seems to have a fascination of all things Nazi which went as far as naming his children Adolf Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, Honzlynn Jeannie Campbell and Heinrich Hons Campbell.
Nice that he has an interest and he proudly showed up at court to win visitation rights to see 18 month old Heinrich wearing a German Nazi uniform.
'I'm going to tell the judge I love my children. I wanna be a father, let me be it," said Mr Campbell.
Asked whether dressing up as a Nazi was likely to help his case, Mr Campbell was confident it would not be held against him: 'If they're good judges and they're good people, they'll look within, not what's on the outside.'
Nope, can't see there being a problem with him being an influence on his children's lives whatsoever.
Oh, wait a sec...


  1. If Mr Campbell really wanted to curry favour with the judge, he could wear an American marine uniform and change his first name to Chuck.

    Although there is not much difference between a Nazi and an American marine as far as brutality and killing are concerned, the British just lurv' the Yanks!

  2. Yes indeed. And my favourite moment of American "brutality and killing" occurred in the 1985 film 'Commando', when Arnie killed that annoying Australian. I laughed and laughed and laughed.

  3. lucy,

    the worst people do some good things, even if by accident. likewise every culture has some good aspects. over time cultures and leaders tend to be lionized or vilified. in one case all the good is discarded, in the other all the evil...


  4. Maybe we are just more attracted to the darker aspects of our psyche.

  5. i thought you folks on the left were changing all that?

