FOAB Information

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Half Time

Today is the 183rd day of the year which marks the halfway point in the year so we are as far away from when we made a drunken arse of ourselves on New Years Eve as we are from the next time we make a drunken arse of ourselves on New Years Eve.
As we are also past the point when the Northern hemisphere is closest to the Sun, we in the top half of the globe are in a headlong rush towards colder times with snow days, Christmas and making an arse of ourselves on New Years Eve. 
It is also an opportunity to take a step back and evaluate your year so far with your goals and objectives and to take the necessary action to get things back on track if necessary.
It’s a chance to thinking over the aspects of your life that you might want to improve and vow to make the second half of the year count, to achieve those goals that you set out while waking up with a massive hangover on January 1st after making an arse of yourself on New Years Eve.
It's like a football match where you collect your thoughts in the changing room at half time, consider the first half and devise a strategy for the second half to get the required result.
Alternatively you can say stuff it and just do in the second part exactly what you did in the first and worry about it on New Years Eve when you promise to give up the fags, drink, junk food, lose weight, get fitter, travel more and find a new job and move house and then you think stuff it, i will do that in the second half of the year when you can say stuff it, i will...and so on and so on.

1 comment:

  1. lucy,

    i do all that stuff everyday... sometimes a couple of times per day.

