FOAB Information

Monday 29 July 2013

NHS Privatisation Experiment Failed

Privatisation doesn't work example number 184,483: The NHS's 111 non-emergency telephone helpline.
NHS Direct, which had run the predecessor service to the 111 helpline before it was broken up and put out to tender by the Conservative Government, said its involvement in the new service had become financially unsustainable, and four month after it was set up, has handed over responsibility for 11 of the 46 regional contracts for which it was responsible.
NHS Direct had worked on the assumption that it would cost on average £13 per call to cover salaries and other expenses for employees, but then found the actual payment it was receiving for its services was closer to £8.
The Britih Medical Association decribed the nonemergency sytem "an abject failure" and said some part of the NHS 111 service are now in chaos, and urgent action is needed to prevent this from having tragic consequences for patients."
Not surpringly the PM, the same one who ppromised us the NHS was safe in his hand, or any of the Government minterd who supported abandoning the former public service, was available for comment.
Privatiation, always has been and always be an awful idea.


  1. Lucy you gotta be right. What did human kind do before we had governments. Clearly beauracrats that fear change, competition, and indivdual success are the best at making deci.........ons. Sorry for the interruption I had to wash my vomit off of my iPhone to finish the message.


  2. Oops. Follow up comment. I was notified that I didn't have permission to vomit so ill have to pay a fine. I also didn't have permission to clean it up. Another fine and a government approved squad is going to check to make sure my clean up meets gov regulations. Well they are gonna do it in a few days - it is a union and they are on strike...

    Yeah gov run stuff is a lot Oh no, another fine!


  3. SOrry q but the vomit cleaning department was privatised a few months ago but we can offer you a few options. For $10 you can have the basic water and mop treatment. For $25 you can have the 'ultra clean' where the cleaner washes out his mop from the last customer first or for just $50, the deluxe clean where not only is the mop washed but the cleaner will spray some disinfectant on the carpet afterwards.
    Have to be quick though because of international water prices these prices will go up next week.

  4. Hahaha.. that actually did make me 'LOL' (as I believe the kids say) just now.
