FOAB Information

Friday 23 August 2013

Guess Who's Back, Back Again

As usual when you are away, you take your phone or laptop and read the newspapers so this year we took nothing or the things we did take wouldn't work so no phone signal in the middle of Exmoor then inhibiting costs on the continent meant that for 2 weeks i haven't known what was going on and as i can't read or speak French, the TV and newspapers never gave it away.
It was actually quite nice and remarkably easy to switch off but the problem is now i am desperately trying to not catch up with what is happening in Syria or Egypt or how the peace talks are going or if Edward Snowden is still hiding in a Russian airport or why we are sending warships to the coast of Spain.
I know at some point i will have to find out the answer to all these things but for now i am blissfully ignorant and while that was okay while sitting in a field watching the pheasants and deers, i do feel the urge to pick up the thread again which i am resisting for now.     
I have emails and texts to reply to, a suntan to protect and a massive Tolblerone to eat but as i'm not back to work until Tuesday and the faint smell of suntan lotion is still in my nostrils, they can all wait.
I am kinda curious about Bradley Manning and that blonde wig though.


  1. You don't have to get in the grime of life. Your blog can shift to thins like food, travel, books, hobby, etc.


  2. But who will fill the internet with left wing, hippy, tree hugging, marxist stuff if i concentrate on how to make the best apple pie?

  3. Lots of folks do that Lucy. Lots if folks.


  4. But do they do it with a British accent and jokes that you don't understand?

  5. No, I haven't found another blog like that!

