FOAB Information

Friday 2 August 2013

Rouhani Demonised For Words He Didn't Say

A quote attributed to Mark Twain is that 'A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes'.
The outgoing Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, found out that once you have a quote filed against your name, even a wrong one, if it can be used to bash you over the head and make you look bad, it will be.
Not wasting any time at all, the incoming Iranian president Rouhani's has had his words misquoted and can expect to have them used as a justification of portraying him as the bad guy when the time comes.
At a pro-Palestinian rally in Tehran, Rouhani has been quoted as saying Israel is: 'a wound that should be removed' which were then widely disseminated by western news agencies and prompted Israel's prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, to say that: 'The real face of Rouhani has been exposed earlier than expected. A country that threatens to destroy Israel must not be allowed weapons of mass destruction" in response to words that the Iranian president never spoke.
In fact, Rouhani said: "In our region, a sore has been on the body of the Islamic world for many years in the shadow of the occupation of the holy land of Palestine and the dear Quds."
Rouhani did not mention the word Israel, nor that it should be removed. Press TV and Reuters have amended their articles to reflect the true quotes but the falsified ones have already done the rounds.
Ahmadinejad would sympathise with his new ruler, his often misquoted speech about 'wiping Israel from the map' were used to demonise him although he never said anything of the sort and i am sure that the words Rouhani never said will still be used against him by his enemies and the truth won't be so much putting on it's shoes as not even bothered to be taken out of the wardrobe.


  1. If I'm Israeli, this quote doesn't seem much better. I suppose Israel could say the Islamic nations are a sore on the Jewish world. After all, at one time the Jews ruled the entire region and it was many hundreds of years before the great Islamic profit Mohammed appeared.


  2. Profit?... (sic?) ;)

    That's if he did exist, of course.

  3. Spell checker on iPhone changed it. Prophet.

