FOAB Information

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Show Us The Evidence

Watching the news tonight and reading the morning papers i am left with the overwhelming feeling that war is coming, pencilled in possibly for this weekend and Cameron and Obama are not going to be challenged on providing a scrap of evidence to support it.  
Why aren't we waiting for the UN inspectors to report back? Are they worried the answer may not be what they want to hear so they drown out the inspection with the beating of war drums and repeat the claim over and over that the Syrian Government gassed their own people so we get confused about what really happened.
It is the exact same scenario as the build up to the Iraq conflict where evidence was non-existent and fabricated and the search for the truth and real evidence by weapons inspectors was not welcome by those intent on war.
The previous UN inspection affirmed that the Sarin chemical attack came from the Syrian rebels but with no evidence the UK and US are pointing the finger at the Government forces and are certain enough to rain down missiles on another country.
After the Iraq debacle, why are journalists not asking more questions regarding the lack of evidence or UN backing or why we are aiding the people that a few months ago were described as the biggest threat to this country?
Our members of Parliament have been recalled to debate our actions on Thursday and nobody is expecting our representatives to refuse the Government to go to war with Syria but they had better demand evidence and not the Colin Powell kind of evidence, real, proper hard evidence that of Assads' guilt before they sign off on Cameron going to war in our name.
We are going to act as judge, jury and executioner on the word of Cameron and Hague, Obama and Kerry without waiting for the UN to fully investigate and apportion blame. Otherwise why is the US and UK so eager to launch and that draws heavy parallels with the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq.
It just shows if the super power wants to destroy a country, nothing will stop it. Shame on us and shame on the media for lacking the spine to question the leaders bouncing us into yet more death and destruction with no evidence.
We have obviously learnt nothing from the last decade of immoral Western wars.


  1. The UN is a J O K E. it is a turd. It is more corrupt than any national government and more wasteful than any government union.

    Obama is getting push back in the US. He does not have approval or support from the people or the House of Representatives. Of course, he has 90% of the press covering for him...


  2. Hey, at least you guys are having a debate on this.

  3. What's going on now is what bugs me. Most of the dems say we have to intervene in Syria. Ms peace and love, nancy pelosi, has turned hawk. The repubs are all "it is not our concern". If the president was a republican the positions of all would be flipped. Does anybody have nonpartisan eyes?

    Later, please remember it isn't just the republicans that use the military... And the dems are now advocating preemptive use of arms. And they don't want to wait for UN approval. At least concerning Iraq the Russians were saying Saddam had WMDs.

