FOAB Information

Thursday 26 September 2013

Rouhani Poses The Right Question

Compared to the last guy, new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani comes across as the reasonable sort and he has made a good start with the offer to normalise relations with those who would like to see a large smouldering hole where his country used to be.
With Syria dominating the news from that region, Iran's nuclear ambitions have been removed from the front page for now but speaking at the UN General Assembly, President Rouhani called for a world disarmament conference to establish a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East.
'As long as nuclear weapons exist, the threat of their use exists' Rouhani said before calling for a 'nuclear-free zone" in the Middle East' and then saying what everybody thinks, including Israel.
Rouhani said that Israel was the only country in the region that had not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and earlier Arab states had even proposed a non-binding resolution to the IAEA calling for Israel to join the NPT and submit its nuclear facilities to IAEA monitoring.
Obviously a few member states voted it down the resolution, the United States bizarrely saying the move would endanger efforts to create a Middle Zone free of weapons of mass destruction.
In some strange American Universe, getting rid of WMD's makes it harder to get rid of WMD's but it was obvious America would spit the dummy out and splutter on its doughnuts at any mention of Israel ridding itself of its weapons of mass destruction so Rouhani called for a conference to create a zone free of nuclear weapons or any WMD weapons in the Middle East without delay. All countries, he said, should participate in the conference.
Israel is believed to possess as many as 400 nuclear weapons so it is perfectly legitimate for Rouhani to call for Israel to give up its weapons if he is being asked to do it although there is no evidence whatsoever he has them or is trying to acquire them.
Of course America will protect its friend just as Russia stands by Syria and once again you come away thinking what a crock of....the United Nations needs overhauling and starting again so the big guys cannot stick by the little guys that cause so much of the mayhem in the region.


  1. Ahhhhhhh, the dilemma. Getting the powerful (and relatively rich) nations to give the weaker nations equal footing. Let’s see, with 20 powerful nations and 170 weak nations what would happen? I propose the weak nations would use the UN to redistribute resources like food, equipment, raw materials, energy and money. Would people be moved across borders? Would personal property change hands?

  2. Not a fan of Democracy then?

  3. You wouldn't get my vote then.

  4. Ok since i have no desire to be elected

  5. You were not English enough for that joke.

  6. no, no, no I got it. I thought it was funny. I mean, I don't laugh out loud much anymore but I grinned.

    there wouldn't be an election in the first place... right? see, I got it.


  7. you are getting there q, at this rate you will be hankering for a cup of tea and spotted dick.

  8. don't push it lady... tequila and beef sound a lot better

