FOAB Information

Saturday 14 September 2013

To Majority Of Americans, Obama As Bad As Bush

Considering that Barack Obama was meant to herald a new era for America after the efforts of George W Bush to put Americas global reputation in the dustbin, he hasn't been a roaring success.
This week a Reason-Rupe poll suggested that almost two thirds of Americans, 64%, consider Obama’s handling of foreign policy is either equal to or worse than that of his predecessor. Bush, kick-started wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq during his eight years in the White House and Obama has one war to his name so far, in Libya, two that are still ongoing in Iraq and Afghanistan, and trying his best in recent weeks to start up another one in Syria.
The poll also reveals that 74 % of Americans say it would be 'unwise' for the United States to launch airstrikes on Syria. Foreign policy aside, the Obama administration isn’t winning much support among Americans either, 61% said they believe the US is heading in 'the wrong direction' and 43% gave him a vote of no confidence, stating they disapprove of Obama’s overall job performance.
Obama must be thinking it really wasn't meant to be like this, he was the anti-Bush and has ended up being considered by two thirds of his citizens as just as much as a liability.


  1. Both parties run on ideals. People, including voters can't live up to ideals.


  2. I am envious of your ability to come up with a steady stream of interesting topics for your blog. Most of my ideas come as a reaction to your posts.


  3. Probably means you find less things to make you say 'Hang on, that's not right' about. Is that a good thing?

  4. and dont forget pakistan. i dare say that if somebody sent drones into US airspace and bombed a city, we would not respond with words...

