FOAB Information

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Tories Defend Bankers Bonus

Interesting on the day after Ed Milliband says Labour will do something about the utility companies ripping us off while they rake in obscene profits, the Conservatives have lodged a legal complaint over the European Union's proposed cap on bank bonuses.
Gideon Osbourne is putting the case that capping how much a banker can earn will undermine the objective of creating stronger and safer banks.
The left sticking up for the poor and being labelled disgraceful by the right for standing up for consumers and then the next day the Conservative Party are standing up for their friends and donors in the banking sector by trying to block any action on banking bonuses.
I'm yet to be convinced by Ed Milliband, saying he will reverse the dreadful privatisation plans for the Post Office would help, but can we please can we fast forward to the general election and kick out the nasty party before they do irreparable damage to our country.


  1. lucy,

    the UK can always socialize any business. what is damn near impossible is shrinking government. so don't fret...


  2. Why would you want to shrink Government?

  3. Because even though im not in the one percent i have more than most and the purpose of the government seems to be taking from those that have more until nobody has more.


  4. Damn Socialists wanting to make things fairer for everyone. They won't be happy until everyone is equal. Damn them.

  5. No politician of any kind could possibly achieve the result of making everyone 'equal'.

    Even achieving a world in which we are all born with equal opportunities is totally impossible, if you think about the practicalities of it.

    However, I agree that one of the aims of public policy should be to not further polarise the already wide gaps that exist in society in regard to equality of opportunity. This has to be balanced against other goals however (including the general undesirability of government having a finger in too many societal pies).

  6. lucy,

    equal are fair are not even close to being the same


  7. Are they not nice things to aspire to though?

  8. not to me.

    if everybody was equal nobody would be exceptional. no ali, no newton, no pele, no gandi, no sex pistols...


  9. You have no idea how many conversations i have had with people over the Ali or Tyson, Pele or Maradona, Sex Pistols or Nirvana thing. Seemed quite strange that you picked the 3 that cause most difference of opinion. If you had thrown in Jimmi Hendrix as best guitarist that would have made the lot.

  10. Hahaha

    Crazy. And for guitar i must sadly go with al di meola... Sorry
