FOAB Information

Saturday 7 September 2013

Where Have The Anti-War Celebrities Gone?

In 2003, just before the Iraq War broke, we were treated to the sight and sounds of celebrities quite rightly berating George W Bush for his plans to invade the Middle Eastern country.
Eleven years on and another Us President, Barack Obama, is treading the same path with strikes on Syria but the list of celebrities piling in to kick him for starting another war is tiny.
The only 'celebrity' i have heard speaking out against the plans America and France have for Syria is Russell Brand who went on the radio this week to urge urging listeners not to believe anything they were hearing from those advocating a war with Syria.
Madonna has come out urging the US to stay out of Syria and Mark Knopfler, Patrick Stewart, Natalie Portman and Susan Sarandon have sent a petition to the United Nations asking them to make a stand and stop the potential bloodbath while James Wood has tweeted that Obama should not be trusted on Syria and Richard Branson disagrees that a military solution is the answer but apart from those the celebrity anti-war cupboard is bare. 
Back in 2003 the anti-war celebrities included Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Neil Young, Cheryl Crowe, Bruce Springsteen, Dixie Chicks, Alec Baldwin, Martin Sheen, Barbara Striesand, George Clooney and Danny Glover and all railed against GWB and his Republicans administration for going to war against Saddam Hussein.
Now as President Obama and John Kerry continue to make the case for war against Syria with 'evidence' that we would be generous to call such, these celebrities are virtually silent.
My conclusions are that almost all were big Obama supporters and have changed their anti-war stance because it is their guy doing it or they are not keen on having egg on their face knowing that they have been duped and the guy they gave the backing to turned out to be as bad as the one they raged against.
Whoever undertakes the brave act of sending other peoples husbands, wives and children off to die in other lands should be condemned whoever it is, whether he is a retarded right-wing cowboy or a supposedly left-wing well spoken black man should make no difference.


  1. People and their views are biased. You could just as well ask us "where are all the hawks" from the right. I've said numerous times that there is little difference between a democrat and a republican. Both use the military when it suits their purposes. Note the American press is no longer talking about the NSA, Benghazi, unemployment, or the IRS...


  2. Ahhhhh racism. See this


  3. you see, if a white person disagrees with a black person the plausible reason is racism... in America

    why do we care what the assholes in Hollywood think?


  4. thats the bloke from mash! Race really is more of a hot topic there than here, it doesn't come into it here. alarmigly though, people both sides are influenced by celebrities

  5. that as me, my bb ont let me sign in

