FOAB Information

Thursday 10 October 2013

Climate Change Tipping Point Dates

Using 39 climate models developed by climate scientists from 12 countries, researchers at the University of Hawaii, have pinpointed when the tipping point of climate change will hit many of the major countries and the extremes of weather due to global warming will become the norm.
This list calculates the year when local temperatures will exceed historical extremes recorded in the past 150 years if there is no change in global carbon output.
So when will the extremes that we currently put down to a warming climate come to a nation near you?
Give or take five years, the tropics will suffer first the unprecedented climate change effects with the Jamaican climate due to tip in 2023, Haiti 2025 and then the African nations will begin to flip over to hotter temperatures with Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Gabon, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo all tipped into a new, warmer climate by 2030.
The USA will stop considering droughts, floods and heatwaves as 'extreme' in 2046, the same year as China and a decade earlier than the United Kingdom who are due to suffer the same fate in 2056.
The dates fated for the major countries when climate change extremes are the norm are:

Jamaica  2023
Haiti  2025
Indonesia  2025
Nigeria  2029
Mexico  2031
Colombia  2033
India  2034
Egypt  2036
Iraq  2036
Kenya  2036
Japan  2041
Australia  2042
Chile  2043
South Africa  2043
Italy  2044
China  2046
Thailand  2046
USA  2046
Brazil  2050
UK  2056
Russia  2063
Iceland  2066


  1. Yeah, right. They no when the extremes will happen, but can't tell us what day it will rain next in Dallas. Or if we will have a bad or easy hurricane season. um hm.


  2. either way the personal solution is to move to Colorado, new mexico, Wyoming, Montana. something like that.

    guam, bad.


  3. "They no when the extremes will happen, but can't tell us what day it will rain next in Dallas."

    Mr Climate, say hello to Mr Weather.

    With excellent timing, the Guardian has an interesting story today about why the opinions of laymen are so different from the scientific community. And as usual, it's our old friend 'politically motivated media spin' who's the culprit...

  4. Cheezy beat me to beating you around the head with the climate v weather thing.

    'news outlets like Rupert Murdoch's Fox News and the Wall Street Journal were responsible for the lion's share of the false balance', but then i would be more surprised if they never.

  5. i didn't find it as interesting an articles as others might.

    Time and again I have provided the opinions of EXPERTS that are in the 5% of scientists that are not convinced.

    i always find it interesting that the press can find the political slant of FOX but can't see it in the likes of ABC, NY Times, CNN or NPR.


  6. "EXPERTS that are in the 5%"

    The figure is less than that, but that's by the by....

    The point of the article is that the news sources in question are not being candid about where the overwhelming scientific consensus lies.

    The end-result is that their viewers believe that there's some sort of 'even split' among climate scientists (which even you admit that there is not).
