FOAB Information

Thursday 24 October 2013

Hurricane Coming

I don't know what is going on with the British weather lately but it cannot be described as boring.
I woke up Sunday morning to hear of a tornado sucking out doors and windows a few miles along the coast  and Sunday afternoon saw a cloudburst that threw down the rain so fast that we couldn't hear our Satnav  instructions and the windscreen wipers couldn't clear the windscreen quick enough for us to see where we were going, forcing us to pull over until it slowed.  
The rest of the week has been brilliant sunshine and temperatures 10 degrees above where they should be which sparked off an electric storm on Tuesday night of such ferocity that it could have been a horror movie special effect.
Then this morning, my MET Office app flashed up that we are expecting a hurricane to flatten us on Sunday night/Monday morning.
It actually called it a 'severe storm' originally but they have since been upgraded it to a hurricane as winds exceeding the 74mph threshold that tips it into hurricane territory are expected.
Eddie Carroll, Chief Forecaster at the Met Office, said: 'There is still a chance this storm may take a more southerly track and miss the UK, bringing impacts elsewhere in northern Europe, but people should be aware there is a risk of severe weather and significant disruption'.
The caveat from the MET office is that 'the forecast of the track, the timing, and the intensity are still open to change' so it may hit us or it may hit France below us, it may be a hurricane, it may just be a bit windy but all the maps they are currently showing has the South Coast, and me, directly in the firing line of 80mph plus winds. 
Exciting and a bit scary at the same time.

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