FOAB Information

Monday 21 October 2013


As if it isn't bad enough that Christians are trying to reclaim Christmas and Easter from Santa and the chocolate giving bunny, they have another celebration in their sights and this one hasn't even got a sniff of God about it, Halloween.
Fresh on the heels of the crackpot idea that some bible folk have that telling your kids about Santa will lead to your kids becoming anorexic alcoholic drug abusers, there is a movement to reinvent October 31st as a Christian gift giving festival to replace dressing up as a vampire and eating sweets and they even have a catchy name for it, JesusWeen.   
According to the JesusWeen website, 'We are the Light of the world and God is counting on us to get His job done' and it all started in 2002 when Pastor Paul Ade had the brainwave of handing out Bibles to the kids knocking at his door expecting gummy bears and fun sized bars of  Snickers.
Not put off by spending the next 3 weeks picking egg shells off the front of his house,  JesusWeen was born and Pastor Abe is now the proud owner of a 'global initiative to ensure non-Christians receive educational materials about Jesus'.
My gut feeling tells me that given the choice between receiving a Bible or a tub of Mars Bars, their would be a room full of Bibles left over but as always with religion, its the parents who will be ramming Jesus down little Tommy and Tanya throat while all their friends are ramming sweets and chocolate down theirs and which of those do you think will be most resentful to the parents, not the kid who is so sticky that they are having to prise the cat off him i can tell you.  
Fair enough if you Christians think Halloween is evil and sinister but you have enough religious days even if nobody actually knows what they are for so leave Halloween alone and just don't let them dress up as the devil, don't give your kids a bible instead because that way lies the madness of thinking JesusWeen is ever going to catch on.   


  1. this is what you get when you combine too many people in the world with the Internet. every weirdness that can be imagined springs forth...


  2. Entertaining though q.
