FOAB Information

Thursday 3 October 2013

Qatar 2022

I do find it amazing that at no point during the World Cup process did someone say 'hang on, won't it be a bit hot playing a football tournament in the desert during summer?'
It is only now, after the decision has been made and the stadiums are being built that the brains trust that runs World Football think about the 50C heat and want to mangle the football fixtures to play it in Winter for the footballers, and supporters, safety.
FIFA are meeting this week to discuss how they could move the tournament to November to avoid a clash with the Winter Olympics but rumours of corruption continue to swirl around the bidding process and there is an ongoing investigation by the ethics committee into allegations of vote swapping and bribery by the confederate members, some of who have since vacated their position.
Fifa's president Sepp Blatter has already admitted that there was 'direct political influence' on the members of the Fifa executive committee who made the decision to vote for Qatar and conceded a vote-swapping pact existed between Spain and Qatar.
The UEFA President has also hinted that the then French President Sarkozy, pressured Platini into voting for Qatar as a Qatari vote would oil the wheels towards a Qatari family purchasing PSG.
Throw in that Australia are pressing for Fifa to compensate the country for the £25m in public money that was spent on a summer bid, the easiest thing to do would be to re-run the whole 2022 election but for whatever reasons, FIFA seem adamant the conversation should be about when the World Cup should take place rather than what they should be discussing, whether it should be held in Qatar at all.


  1. plus, it is really hard to run in sand. the players will get tired fast and what kind of boots do you wear for sand soccer?


  2. Very true, they obviously haven't thought this through at all.

  3. the athletes will need lots o sunblock too...

