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Thursday 14 November 2013

Christmas Horror

Negotiations are over and it wasn't easy but a deal has been reached and i have a Buffy box-set shaped hole in the cabinet beneath the DVD player but it has been temporarily filled by 25 Horror films and not just any Horror films, Christmas ones.
As much as i love the Scrooge's and What a Wonderful Life, the thrill of seeing a rampaging Santa or a killer Snowman is too much of a pull.
With titles such as Black Christmas, Christmas Evil, Don't Open Till Christmas,  Santa's Slay, Silent Night, Deadly Night, You'd better Watch Out and Santa Claus v The Zombies, i don't think they are going to be about peace on Earth and goodwill to all men, more Freddie Kruger with tinsel. 
I have been told to leave Saint and Rare Exports to last as they are the best ones and involve the same sort of story with a Santa less inclined to leave a toy under the tree and more likely to decorate your bedroom with your innards.   
Not the spirit of Christmas i know but Bedford Falls can wait this year.

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