FOAB Information

Saturday 16 November 2013

Climate Response Shameful

I was always hopeful that it wasn't going to take death and destruction on a massive scale for the World leaders to do something about climate change but it seems that even the strongest storm ever recorded killing thousands in the Philippines isn't enough.
Recent decisions by the governments of Australia, Japan and Canada to downgrade their efforts over climate change is more than disappointing, especially as it may lead to others following.
Rather than acting as a wake up call, Japan has announced it will backtrack on its pledge to reduce its emission cuts from 25% to 3.8% by 2020, Australia signalled it may weaken its targets and is repealing domestic carbon laws and Canada has pulled out of the Kyoto accord to reduce their annual CO2 emissions.
The Disaster Emergencies Committee, presently coordinating British aid efforts in the Philippines warned that the disaster offers a glimpse of the future if urgent action is not taken and other Aid Agencies said ministers must act urgently because climate change is likely to make such extreme weather events more common in the future, putting millions more lives at risk.
Shamefully, the people who could have the biggest impact are not paying attention or putting more effort into attempting to blacken the name of the scientific community who study these things as more and more extreme weather events occur and kill thousands and thousands before our very eyes.
Nobody is doing anything about it apart from the ill-informed useful idiots repeating parrot fashion the lies from those with the most to lose or more dangerously the moronic leaders like those in Canada, Japan and Australia who selfishly just don't care how many more victims of climate change there are.
It does make you wonder just what it will take, how much death and destruction caused by climate change, before the people who can make a change put the planet and it's population first.    


  1. There is no proof this typhone was bigger because of global warming. Sandy was called super storm and it was a cat 1. Just people with an agenda, certain pols, and the press taking advantage of aby and every weather event.


  2. Warmer seas, warmer air drives more powerful weather events. Basic science.

  3. Sloppy abuse of science. You over slimplify. Correlation is not proof.

    Just serves your views.


  4. It isn't that complicated. You can try to and make it complicated to muddy the waters so you can ignore the evidence but it is basic science. At best a lack of knowledge or at worst willfully ignorant.

  5. Id say it is a lack of knowledge by you, id like to believe you arent being willfully ignorant...


  6. Obviously more complicated for some than others. If it was a lack of knowledge on your side i could have got a child who attended basic science to explain it to you but as it's willful ignorance, i'm afraid there is nothing we can do for you.
