FOAB Information

Saturday 21 December 2013

Answering The Questions About Britain

I do wonder sometimes just what everyone else is wondering when they think of us Brits and our country. If they could ask a Brit anything about us, what would they ask? Handily, we have Google so we can find out just what the rest of the World are itching to find out about us.

If we write 'Why do Brits...' the top three questions are:

Why do Brits love tea?
Why do Brits drive on the left?
Why do the Brits say cheers?

As a Brit i am taking it upon myself to speak on behalf of all 63 million of us and put a few minds at rest.

True we do drink a lot of tea, the UK Tea Council estimate 165 million cups are drank daily but my guess would be we love tea because of tradition (and we think of coffee as European).
Regarding driving on the left, the 2Pass driving school website explains that up to the late 1700's, everybody travelled on the left side of the road. Knights, when passing a stranger on the road, walked on the left to ensure that your protective sword arm was between them and him. Revolutionary France, under the left handed Napoleon, made his armies march on the right so he could keep his sword arm between him and any opponent. From then on, any part of the world which was part of the British Empire was left hand and any part colonised by the French was right hand. In America, due to the amount of French, Spanish and Dutch colony's, the Brits were a minority in shaping the 'traffic'.
Cheers is a way of saying 'Good cheer' when drinking to someones health. Don't know where Bottoms Up came from though.

If we enter 'Why does Britain...' the top 3 we get are:

Why does Britain export arms?
Why does Britain have no active volcanoes?
Why does Britain change the clocks?

Britain makes £12bn a year from arms exports, without getting into the moral or ethical rights or wrongs of selling so much weaponry, it's a real money spinner for the British economy.
Volcanoes spring up where two tectonic plates meet and Britain is lucky enough to be in the middle of such a Tectonic plate and away from the edges where the active volcanoes erupt.
The reason we change our clocks is the UK Government at the turn of the last century, decided that the summer mornings light was wasted while people slept, and that the time would be better utilised in the afternoon by putting the clocks forward.

The top three questions regarding our Prime Minister are:

Why does David Cameron support Aston Villa?
Why does David Cameron want to leave the EU?
Why does David Cameron hate the poor?

Dave Cameron explained: 'the first game i ever went to was an Aston Villa game and so I am an Aston Villa fan'. Being the nephew of former Villa chairman Sir William Dugdale also probably swayed him.
David Cameron is a Conservative and they are right wing politically and right wing voters tend to distrust the EU so Dave has to balance keeping his right wing voter base happy by being critical of the EU while staying inside the largest economic market in the World.
Tough final question, best guess would be the same right wing voter base (not many of the poor vote Conservative) and his Conservative Party are bankrolled by large companies and banks who don't have much use for people with very little disposable income so he can hit them with very little effect on his poll ratings or parties funding.

Now, will we find an American brave enough to take on the questions the world is asking about America through Google?

Why do Americans celebrate thanksgiving
Why do Americans call football soccer
Why do Americans love guns

Why does America support Israel?
Why does America borrow money?
Why does America hate Iran?

Why does Obama hate the British?
Why does Obama want to invade Syria?
Why does Obama lie so much?


  1. That 'will we find an American brave enough to take on the questions the world is asking about America' is aimed at you q. Blog post idea?

  2. Why do Americans celebrate thanksgiving?
    - To get a break from work
    Why do Americans call football soccer
    - Because yawl made your own names for car parts, so we made our name for soccer
    Why do Americans love guns
    - Keeps the riff-raff on their side of the ocean (Kings and Queens, not the common folk)

    Why does America support Israel?
    - Because the UK and France dumped their responsibilities in the middle east after ww2
    Why does America borrow money?
    - Because the republicans are too hard headed to raise taxes and the democrats are too stubborn to cut government
    Why does America hate Iran?
    - We don’t

    Why does Obama hate the British?
    - He doesn’t
    Why does Obama want to invade Syria?
    - Does he?
    Why does Obama lie so much?
    - He is a politician


  3. Well done, nice answers. If you write in 'Why do Texans..' the top question is 'like Dr Pepper?'. Do ya'll like Dr Pepper that much the rest of your country wonder why?

  4. Texans like it More. First produced in Texas, i think. Ft. Worth. You can get it old style made with pure cane sugar instead of core syrup- but i cannot tell the difference in the two

