FOAB Information

Monday 23 December 2013

Gun Nuts Favourite Dies

A common argument of the gun parade is that guns don't kill people, people kill people which is true but if i wanted to kill lots of people, i'd use a gun and the man who invented one of the worst weapons in history has today died aged 94.
The inventor of the AK-47 assault rifle, Mikhail Kalashnikov, designed the weapon that has killed more people than any other firearm in the world, faced criticism over his deadly invention and explained that: 'I invented it for the protection of the Motherland. I have no regrets and bear no responsibility for how politicians have used it'.
Approximately 100 million AK-47 assault rifles are spread worldwide and i hope that in his final moments he realised the disturbing shock of knowing that his legacy would be his weapon that had killed millions of people.
His obituary will show that he may have been an amazing designer and engineers but if only he had put his efforts into something that would benefit mankind rather than help destroy it.
Sadly, i'm sure the deluded gun nuts will be out in force to praise him and his invention.


  1. The reality is his invention was responsible for the death of millions. That is his legacy. Can't dress that up and i hope it weighed on his conscience at the end.

  2. Lucy people killed quite successfully before guns. If the guns he made protected people and things he cared about from aggressors he probably did not feel guilty. I would not feel guilty for protecting my family, friends or neighbors.


  3. That's probably what he told himself, it's a defensive invention otherwise the thought of what you have invented killing so many people would drive you insane. Or it should do.

  4. Rambo said "the mind is the most dangerous weapon".

    Everything is both an asset and a liability...

    MERRY CHRISTMAS or whatever you do the next few days!


  5. All the best and hope you all have a great Christmas
