FOAB Information

Friday 27 December 2013

Nirvana Day

My daughter came back from the Boxing Day sales with a Ramones t-shirt to which i exclaimed that i didn't know she was a fan of them. Thinking that she must have heard me playing Blitzkrieg Bop or KKK Took my Baby Away at some point and liked the sound, she said she didn't know who they were and just liked the design. 
Disappointingly, she hadn't finally woken up to the genius of Joey and the gang, she screwed up her nose when i played her the bands awesome version of 'I Don't Want To Grow Up', but then there are many kids walking around in t-shirts from bands of my era but have never heard the bands music.   
One such T-shirt i see regularly is Nirvana  who were doing their thing before most were even born but whose legend continues today, 25 years since the first album Bleach.
Now the town where Kurt Cobain was born, Hoquiam in Washington state, is hoping to make the most of its modest link to the rock legend.
The town is dedicating April 10, 2014 as official Nirvana Day and the Mayor has told local radio station KXRO that Nirvana were their 'sons' and deserved to be honoured.
'They bring great honour to our entire community. I think it's good to honour our sons and their great accomplishments'.
Too true, obviously a cash-in to try and draw Nirvana fans to the area, but Kurt Cobain and the like should be honoured even if it is by the place where he only lived for a few short months.
Now if only i can get the kids to appreciate the genius behind lyrics such as: 'A mulatto, An albino, A mosquito, My libido, Yeah'. Classic stuff.


  1. Big business, this. Me and three friends went to Macclesfield a few years ago specifically for the Ian Curtis connections (grave, house where he topped himself, several locations where 'Control' was filmed) and one of our number also went to Aberdeen, Washington (basically Hoquiam) last year for all the Cobain/Nirvana stuff. He says it was a grim place, but interesting (great music frequently comes from grim surroundings).

  2. I saw some pictures of Hoquiam on their website, reminded me of the sort of place that crops up in Stephen King films. As he was born there i guess they can claim him even if he was only there for a few months.
