FOAB Information

Saturday 28 December 2013

Who Cut The Flood Defence Budget Dave?

Way back in 2010, the incoming Conservative Government in their wisdom cut the flood defence budget by over a quarter, 27% according to the environment agency,  even though to quote David Cameron at the time: 'Most people accept that, with climate change, floods are likely to be more frequent'.
To most people to consider floods to be more frequent and then cut the defence budget by 27% sounds a bit of a miscalculation, especially if you are one of those unfortunate residents who today find your sideboard bobbing around in the corner as your living room is under several feet of water.
At the time of the cuts the Environment Agency explained that: 'There will be communities that would – if funding had remained in place as at present – be starting flood defence work that will now be delayed'.
As almost every scientific report states loud and clear that due to climate change there will be increased coastal and river flooding in the UK, it is a bit rich for the MP to turn up at flood hit areas and look all solemn while pleading with local councils to ensure that they have plans in place with the emergency funding his Government has made available as the MET Office forecast further storms and heavy rainfall over the next few days and issued a yellow heightened flood warning across southern England.
It won't be Cameron or any of his ministers who ends up standing neck-deep in dirty brown water so i hope that all the people in the affected areas remember who it was that delayed the building of the defences that may have saved their homes, if they have all not been drowned by then.

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