FOAB Information

Tuesday 10 December 2013

World Turning Vegetarian

Hitler, Stalin, Attila the Hun, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Vlad the Impaler, Caligula, George W Bush, Ivan the Terrible, Bin Laden and Genghis Khan where all meat eaters while Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Thomas Edison, Leonardo Da Vinci, Aristotle, Diogenes, Plato,Pythagoras, Socrates and Voltaire were all vegetarians.
What this of course means is that all the evil people in the World have meat in their diets and all the good ones shun eating animals so all we need for a planet full of good people is for everyone to go on a vegetarian diet and research from Packaged Facts show that meat consumption is declining.
Reasons that people are being less carnivorous are put down to an increase in the risk of heart disease, rising meat prices, increased awareness of cruel animal conditions, environmental impact of meat rearing and the rise in vegetarian celebrities such as Beyonce and Brad Pitt.   
The report found that consumers have been eliminating meat from one or more meals per week and reducing the size of portions served and since 2007, meat consumption has fallen by approximately 12.2%. 
We still eat way more meat than is good for us or for the environment and it doesn't do many favours for the animals that end up on your plate but a 12% in six years is significant, especially if the trend continues and we should be celebrating that we are heading towards a World with more rice and beans eating Da Vinci's, Gandhi's and Plato's and less beef and pork eating Hitler's, Genghis Khan's and Idi Amin's.


  1. They can take my life but they can never take... my bacon!

  2. Have you seen that big oven at q's blog? Big enough to cook 2 pigs at the same time. That's a lot of bacon.

  3. Lucy,

    you left me off the Hitler list... damn that is mean.


  4. You will have to try harder q. I hope you appreciate the effort to find a post where i could shoehorn GWB into such an infamous list as i knew you liked the last one.

  5. yeah i saw it. i don't always take the bait. you forgot hannibal leckter (sp?)


  6. He liked his meat with a nice Chianti if i recall.
