FOAB Information

Saturday 18 January 2014

Act Of God?

Great pictures around of lightening striking the Christ The Redeemer statue in Brazil on Thursday evening.
Some of the more excitable amongst us have taken it as a sign from God along the lines of us all being sinners and we must repent and such other drivel.
Others, equally as excitable, see this is a bad omen for Brazil with the World Cup set to be staged there this year and all the controversy surrounding that event.
Personally i take it as a sign that if you stick a 38 metre statue on one of the highest points in Brazil, it will get struck by lightening during an electric storm.


  1. Since most people accept the global warming hypothesis, they know the true cause of global warming is themselves, thus the followers of global warming are to blame for the flooding. I on the other hand also blame the people that accept global warming...


  2. Oops, commented on wrong post. Ahh the wonder of mobile technology combined with progressive lenses eyeglasses...

  3. You need a Blackberry q!!

  4. I liked my blackberry but the wife and daughters wanted me to have iphone. But what does that have to do with me bring so old that im to blind to see anything smaller than a watermellon.

