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Tuesday 28 January 2014

Sochi Winter Olympics 2014

The Sochi Winter Olympics are almost upon us and i am looking forward to watching men and women hurl themselves off huge slopes and go speeding around an icy bend on little more than a tea tray.
Not to take anything away from the athletes performing these tasks, but whereas the Summer Olympics are about feats of endurance and years of preparation to run, throw and jump the highest, the Winter Olympics is more to do with who can slide the best using the force of gravity. Pick a winter sport about to be watched, and it will probably involve a slope and a slippery surface which means it doesn't really compare to it's Summer relation.
Team GB is expected to bring home at least three medals from Sochi, the higher end of our expectations is 7 medals which would beat our Britain's best ever tally of four medals in 1924.
Costing a reported £51bn and using 25,000 volunteers, it should be 17 days of watching athletes from 85 countries falling over because to be honest, that's what we really want to see. 


  1. Wow, i ran fast marathons ( 2 hours 23 mins ) and i think skiing is harder...


  2. Sliding for 60 seconds is harder than running for 143 minutes? You do know you go DOWN the hill and not up it don't you!!
