FOAB Information

Friday 10 January 2014

Ware Is The Porn Capital Of The UK

It was recently discovered that the village of Ware in Hertfordshire is the porn capital of the UK which is an improvement on their previous claim to fame which was that Mr Barrowclough from Porridge once lived there.
Apart from making a mental note never to shake hands with anyone from Ware, it is accepted that porn is everywhere on the Internet. Long gone are the days when you can innocently type in Randy Buamgardener and read about the Colorado Republican Senator without being confronted by, well, gardeners bums.
Now that Ware is on the map, and its fruity antics splashed all over the papers so to speak, just how much of the Internet is porn? Addiction centre 'techaddiction' have a breakdown of statistics regarding web porn.

12% of the websites on the Internet are pornographic.
33% of porn viewers are female
70% of men between 18 and 24 visit porn sites regularly
25% (68 million) of all search engine requests are porn related,
35% of all downloads are pornographic   
Sunday is the most popular day for viewing porn
Every second 30,000 people are watching porn online
The USA produces 89% of all pornographic web pages
56% of divorces involve one partner having an obsessive interest in porn websites

Obviously web porn addiction is a serious problem and and maybe techaddiction should set up a treatment center in Ware so someone can get a grip on things there. Just remember to take the antiseptic hand gel and keyboard wipes.

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