FOAB Information

Thursday 20 February 2014

£571 Million Is Not Enough Profit

Electric and gas supplier Centrica has announced a 6% drop in profits for the last year, only making £571m. As predicted, they have now come out moaning about being unable to rip off their customers hence:

Threat to economy - TICK. 'I think the reputation of Britain as a place in which to invest is under threat'.  

Threaten that the lights will go out - TICK. 'The possibility of the lights going out in Britain will be looming much larger'.

Blame someone else for losing over a third of a million customers in a year- TICK. 'Difficult market conditions and intense political over its dominant position'.

Promise to not rip customers off anymore - TICK. 'We are trying to improve understanding and rebuild trust with customers' 

£571 million profit and they are complaining and threatening the country with blackouts because they have not made enough profits. Privatisation is great isn't it.


  1. so they made a 2.4% profit and you think that is excessive? really?

    Frankly, if I was a stock holder or board member I would be raising holy hell.

    the stock holders/owners could have bought bonds and made 2% with zero risk.


  2. They obviously don't think it's enough, hence the threats.
