FOAB Information

Monday 17 February 2014


1. Snake-handling pastor Jamie Coots bitten on the hand by a rattlesnake during a church service
2. Rev Coots refuses medical treatment as believes God will cure him
3. Dies an hour later from venomous snakebite
4. Reality - 1 Faith - 0


  1. Maybe he should have pulled an Oral Roberts and said that god would take him unless his congregation gave him even more money.

  2. Maybe God was saving the Queen at that particular hour. He can't be everywhere at once!

  3. God makes everybody die regardless of faith... The dude is thus dead.


  4. Did God also make him refuse medical treatment? You know, so as to postpone his death for a decade or four?

    Sounds like Baby Jesus and the Archangel Gabriel et al couldn't wait to see him!

  5. That's a great spin for the church to put on it to the parishioners when they ask why God didn't save him. He was doing such a great job God wanted him with him, it was a reward. Now give me a hallelujah and empty your pockets in the container on the way out.

  6. i don't remember anywhere in the bible where it says you won't die. adam and eve were kicked out of the garden of eden before they ate from the tree of life (yes, there were at least 2 forbidden fruits). the bible says faith saves your soul. there are a few examples in the bible where lives were saved, but in the end they all died too.

    Lucy, most of the christianity stuff you put out here is tripe. however, the part about religions telling people things that will get them to contribtue money is not tripe.


  7. "i don't remember anywhere in the bible where it says you won't die. "

    And nor does anyone else.

    "the part about religions telling people things that will get them to contribtue money is not tripe."

    And the part about people doing idiotic things because it's what they think their imaginary friend in the sky wants them to do is also, most definitely, not tripe.
