FOAB Information

Saturday 8 February 2014

Royal Idiots

Our Royal family are not the sharpest knives in the drawer at the best of times but even they must have realised that stopping off to go hunting on the way to launching a campaign aimed at saving wildlife is not the best move.
William and Harry will hunt wild boar, partridges and stags on a private estate in Spain before joining up with the Zoological Society to condemn hunters who hunt endangered species in a campaign called 'Let's Unite for Wildlife!'
Animals don't need enemies with idiots like the Royal Chuckle Brothers protecting them, keen to prove their caring sharing side for wildlife by bravely blasting huge holes in them from a safe distance.
A campaign called 'Let's Unite to kick out the Royals' is long overdue.


  1. In the US hunting licenses pay for protection of game animals and endangered species... All animals die even if people don't kill them. All the hunters I know want to protect the environment and animal species.


  2. You may have to explain how all the hunters you know are protecting animal species by shooting them because that sounds exactly the opposite to protecting them to me.
    If you can tie in the 'doing them a favour by killing them' thing it would be appreciated because that one always gives me a laugh.

  3. Killing some of them is not the same thing as killing all of them. Pretty simple really.


  4. Yep, very simple, you said it!!

  5. yep, stand by it


  6. That Spain stuff sounds an awful lot like a canned hunt. I guess they still have some wildlife in Spain though.

    But send William and Harry to Goliad County. They can shoot any boar they see. They can shoot them from helicopters if they want. Here, they're an unnatural invasive plague crowding out all of the native species and have no predators.... well other than us.

    Deer are a bit different, but Deer are doing better than ever in North America. With all of the wolves pretty much gone, except in a few parts, not that many other creatures eat them either.

    So yes, when you get rid of the natural predators, you are "helping" the environment by killing deer and pigs.

  7. i think we may be using a different definition of 'simple' q. We may not be though.

    Poor Nog, you have much to learn about pathetic justifications for shooting things. I suggest q's outrageously absurd, 'we are doing them a favour by killing them' excuse as essential reading.

  8. Lucy,

    People sometimes die in comfortable settings without pain. Animals in the wild have no such luxury. Of all the deaths in the wild the least horrible, yet i readily admit violent death, is a bullet. Hence the phrase "they do shoot horses".


    Ps - noah, i have friends in montana and they tell me the wolves have wiped out the deer, antelope, and elk. Livestock and pets are next.

  9. Seems some zoo keepers see things the same as me. Killing some is not the same as killing all. Sometimes killing some is best for a species. Sometimes killing an animal is better for the animal. Zoo keeper at copenhagen said it...

