FOAB Information

Friday 28 March 2014

Religious Homophobia

The church going population of the UK is around 4% and declining so with each generation, the Church gets drawn further and further into irrelevance so the downward slide means that people of faith will be practical gone in a century or so and listening to their views on gay marriage, you can only say that is a good thing.
With the same-sex marriage law coming into effect with the first ceremonies in England and Wales this Saturday, the only loudest voices of dissent are coming from the religious quarter with their well worn phrase of 'Marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman'.
For some reason the Church and Church goers cannot see love and commitment between two people but just an unhealthy preoccupation of the couples sexuality and what goes on in the bedroom between them.
The Church and its followers need to make the leap into the 21st Century and move away from the dangerously outdated attitude that marriage is between only a man and a woman as it is now between two people who love each other regardless of gender.
To argue against it is only to usher in with increasing speed the decline of an outdated institution that is already creaking and wheezing on its last legs and the more i hear them try to justify their homophobia, the more i think the quicker it falls the better.


  1. if it is a mere 4% then it is already dead and I would think that writing about it doesn't really interest anybody except the author.

    the bible at times is totally abstract (genesis, revelation). other times it is bluntly prescriptive. one topic where it is prescriptive is sexuality. it specifically calls out sexual taboos. homosexuality is one of those. it is clearly called out as a sin.

    I don't see how a Christian can be supportive of homosexuality. you can hate the sin and love the sinner. you can withhold judgment of the person while judging the concept. you can understand the emotion and craving and be supportive of folks that commit the sin, but you cannot act like it is not a sin.

    frankly, I would think you would be quite pleased that this will be the final nail in the Christian coffin.


  2. It is only a sin if you are one of the minority 4%, to the 96% of us it's neither here nor there who loves who. It only seems to be the religious folk who have a problem with it but if we paid to attention to the religious folk we would still think the Sun went around the Earth, evolution never happened and each town centre would still have a ducking stool.

  3. then why do rant about it so often?

    you won. move on.


  4. I rant about it so often because the Church and religious people keep it in the headlines. I haven't won anything, only the Church has lost.
