FOAB Information

Thursday 3 April 2014

Another Corrupt MP: Maria Miller

Another day and another member of Parliament apologising for having her nose in the trough and claiming thousands of pounds in expenses for which she was not entitled to.
Today it was the turn of the MP for Basingstoke, Maria Miller, to announce how sorry she was for any misunderstanding as an investigation into her expenses ordered her to and pay back £5,800 she wrongly claimed.
The Culture Secretary gave a brief apology for her approach to the inquiry in the House of Commons following a report by the sleaze watchdog, taking just 30 seconds to say: 'I fully accept the recommendations of the committee and thank them for bringing this matter to an end'.
David Cameron said: 'Mrs Miller will keep her job and she is doing an excellent job as Culture Secretary and will continue to do that'.
The line 'approach to the inquiry' is interesting and the report shows that over the length of the two years inquiry, Mrs Miller had not only dragged her heels in providing the information the investigation requested, but plain didn't provide it or provided only parts of it.
'Much of the delay and difficulty in this case has arisen from incomplete documentation and fragmentary information. Mrs Miller has to carry significant responsibility for that' states the reports conclusion and notes that Mrs Miller responses to the inquires questions were 'vague or imprecise'.
The watchdog found that she had claimed repayments on a mortgage of £525,000 in 2008-09 but had claimed the mortgage was £425,000 in previous years.
After two years of the inquiry in which the investigation officer said 'Mrs Miller attempted to discredit both the Memorandum and myself' including her claim that she was 'unable to obtain' the mortgage payment information before 2008-09 but which the investigation found available online, she is now apologising for an error.
An error she refused to accept she made for two years and dragged her feet trying to clear up and did her best to make as difficult as possible to investigate.
That's why voters have lost interest in politics, even when the sleazy MP's are caught with their hands in the till cheating the taxpayer, they just need to say sorry and repay what they swindled from us and all is peachy.

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