FOAB Information

Friday 11 April 2014

Global Dimming

Who would have thought that two centuries of filling the atmosphere with pollutants would have a negative effect on us down here on the ground but it seems that as well as more extreme weather its also getting darker.
Scientists looking at five decades of sunlight measurements have concluded that air pollutants caused by burning fossil fuels are reflecting sunlight back into space, preventing it reaching the surface meaning the earth has been made slightly darker.
Comparing light records from all around the world, scientists and found that some places dimmed more than others but on average the amount of sunlight that bathed the Earth has dimmed by 1-2% globally per decade between the 1950s and the 1990s.
Named 'Global Dimming' it does come with the rather dulled silver lining that as the Earth warms up and weather becomes more extreme, we won't be able to see our houses being blown away or our furniture bobbing off along the flooded streets.


  1. Don't worry Lucy we are all gonna die in less than 15 years - remember the scientific report from NASA 3 weeks ago?

    It was science - no disputation allowed!!


  2. We will have a moon base by then or living it up on Mars in pods.

  3. Maybe moon, though doubtful. Mars is much further out. Much.

