FOAB Information

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Hope You Lose Mourinho

European Cup Semi-Finals and one team from Madrid are already in the Final in Lisbon and it seems that everyone else in England who isn't a Chelsea is hoping the other Madrid team make it there also.
Since Arsenal went out to the Germans i lost interest in it to be fair and it isn't because i particularly dislike Chelsea that i want them to get bowled out tonight, it's just that i don't want to see John Terry or Ashley Cole celebrating. 
First time around i like Jose Mourinho but he seems to have come back to England from his trip around Italy and Spain as a right misery guts with a constant moaning and grumpy face so i will be clacking castanets and saying 'Ole' tonight hoping that Atletico Madrid dump Chelsea out and then go on to win the thing and give Mourinho something proper to look glum about.

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