FOAB Information

Thursday 3 April 2014

Ring Of Fire

As Johnny Cash once warned, the Ring of Fire is not to be messed with and he should know as he fell into it, possibly whilst stoned and drunk, and as he said it burned, burned, burned.  
Fifty years after Cash warned about it, burns units around the countries of the Pacific basin could be getting busy as the real Ring of Fire is waking up following a string of earthquakes in the region.
About 90% of the world's earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire and a rash of earthquakes within the last week along a section of the Earth infamous for seismic activity is causing concern that more tremors will occur soon.
Seismologists say that recent activity within this region doesn't necessarily mean that other tectonic plates will now adjust their position but warned that Tuesday’s 8.2 magnitude quake in Chile was preceded by a magnitude 6.7 tremor two weeks earlier.
'One of the possible scenarios that we're monitoring right now is that it is still possible that this earthquake is actually a foreshock to a much bigger earthquake. For the sake of our Chilean friends, we hope that it doesn't happen'.
And we all thought that country music was just men in cowboy hats singing miserable songs about their wives leaving them and their dogs dying.


  1. Im thinking global warming could trigger quakes and volcanoes. Especially in the ring of fire because rising oceans put more pressure on the ocean floor. Then when a whole continent is in drout it shrinks, meanwhile another continent is getting flooded and it swells, which both create tectonic pressure...


  2. Problem is South America is the place to go when the sea level rises but to escape the rising tides lapping at our feet it's into an earthquake zone. Out of the fire into the ring of fire. We can't win!

  3. why do you keep saying south america?

    what did you read?


  4. Canada & USA etc are on the continent of North America while Chile, Brazil, Argentina etc are South America. Do you have different names for the continents there? What do you call South America?
    Do you think i mean South United States of America when i say South America? That never occurred to me!

  5. No i think you mean chile or peru

    But why is that "the place to go"?


  6. Place to go as Peru is the last place to get flooded when the tides rise up as per a previous post.
