FOAB Information

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Treating Bee Stings

Summers coming and so are the bitey, stingy things that find a bit of bare flesh irresistible but when the inevitable happens and we are reaching for the lotion, where is the most painful part of the body to receive the sting?
A student has bravely done the decent thing and allowed bees to sting him 190 times in all areas of his body to find out which part it hurts the most and found that the most painful area was the inside of the nostril.
'When you get stung there your whole body reacts. I would not recommend it' he said.
Unless you are going to spend June, July and August with cotton wool up your nose, the nostril is as good a place as any for an angry wasp to vent his spleen against humans but being stung is a price we pay for having a summer so we will be bitten or stung somewhere and the NHS have some handy tips how to deal with it.
The NHS website suggests pulling the stinger out, it is an old wives tale that it has to be removed with a credit card or tweezers, it is important to just get it out and fingers are fine.
Take ibuprofen or aspirin for the pain and apply ice wrapped in fabric to the bee sting for 20 minutes.
An alternative to ice is wet mud or even toothpaste which is also good for drying out zits but that's another students project.

1 comment:

  1. i have found that sevearl shots of tequila also make bee stings stop hurting...
