FOAB Information

Sunday 13 April 2014

UKIP: Party Of Fruitcakes, Loonies And Closet Racists

Politicians lie, or spin, and the danger is that voters believe the lies which is why it is shocking that UKIP, who should be a fringe party, are picking up votes as Nigel Farage's anti-Europe party are now at an all-time high as a fifth of voters say they will back the United Kingdom Independence Party.
Much as the Lib Dems were previously, UKIP are becoming the protest party to vote for as voters become disillusioned with the three main parties.
Labour and the Lib Dems are happy to ignore the rise of the right wing UKIP as it is damaging the Tories who react to the threat by shifting further to the right to placate their own fringe members.
While all the main parties are widely pro-Europe, UKIP's leader is invited onto news programmes to provide a balance and the real danger is that UKIP have become a serious contender for coalition partnership in 2015. 
This is UKIP who are part of the group Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD), a collection of far right parties who had to ban BNP members from joining them which should raise eyebrows as what do the racists hear in the UKIP message that they find so attractive?
With his folksy way and 'one of the people' persona, i can see why some would be charmed by Nigel Farage when you look at the identikit leaders of the main parties but to vote for UKIP because you the leader likes to be photographed with a fa and a pint is a disaster waiting to happen.
Policies that include being anti-gay marriage, anti-burquas, anti-EU and seeking to abolish Working Tax Credits.
They want to end maternity and sick pay and abolish the right for workers to challenge unfair dismissal or discrimination.
They want an end to the higher rate of income tax, maintain Britain’s nuclear deterrent and introduce the American style 'three strikes' sentencing policy and build more nuclear power stations while closing wind farms and reduce the public service by another 2 million jobs.
In the UKIP barrel of policies you would be hard pressed to find one good apple amongst the rotten ones which is why UKIP being accepted as part of the British political furniture is not just frightening but downright dangerous.
They should stay on the fringe with the rest of the fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists.


  1. it reminds me of a concept called Nopolean's thirds. one third is for everything. one third is against everything. focus on winning over the third that is undecided.

    seems the UKIP is the third against EU


  2. They are gaining ground and that's worrying because either people know about them and still want to support them or are ignorant and are supporting them. Either way it's not good.

  3. i guess they don't agree with you. some people think it is dumg to join the EU.

    Hey, yawl could become the 51st state...


  4. Some people also think that lycra cycle shorts are a good idea but that doesn't make them right.
