FOAB Information

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Who We Are Suporting This Week

For those not paying close enough attention, it can be very confusing when it comes to who we are supporting in some of the trouble spots around the World.
Take the latest one in Ukraine for example, we supported the people in the first uprising against the elected Government but we are against the second one where the people are rising up against the ones who make up the self-elected Government. We have even turned a blind eye to them shooting their own citizens this time in the east of the country, we couldn't shout loud enough when the same military did it in Kiev. 
Before that was Egypt where we didn't support the people looking to boot out Mubarak, then we did, then we did. In Kosovo we called the KLF terrorists, then forgot about that when the Yugoslav Army retaliated to their slaughter and helped them into Government where they have been merrily ethnically cleaning Kosovo and are now described as 'gangsters' by the UN. Oops, hush that up. 
In Afghanistan, we went to war to remove the Government and then after over a decade of war, we ask them if they would like to be part of a new Government.
Then there was Libya where the nasty people we forced out of Afghanistan went to and who we then gave arms to and helped in removing Colonel Gaddafi. With the use of our weapons, the same people then went to other parts of Africa, Algeria and Mali, and caused them problems which we then had to go and remove with our military.
Syria has been boiling for a while and while we support the removal of Assad, we are unsure of the people that want to replace him but armed and supported them anyway.
Of course the ultimate we like you, now we don't was the Mujaheddin in the 80s who we armed and bankrolled to fight the Soviets who then changed name to Al Queada and promised to destroy us and have been trying ever since.
In Israel, we give unqualified support to the country that has been subjugating and oppressing the Palestinians for over 60 years while they steal their land, and then throw sanctions at Russia for taking over the Crimea after a referendum. We also backed elections in Palestine until they elected a party we didn't like and then went cold on them.
Of course while we are supporting uprisings in other countries, peaceful Occupy protests against the 1% in America were brutally put down by police wielding guns and chemical spray and any demonstrations in the UK have to gain the police stamp of approval otherwise demonstrators are kettled for the day.
Yes it is confusing but listen to the politicians and they will set you straight on exactly who we are supporting this week and why we are not the bad guys for stoking up protests in the first place and stomping around deciding who can, and can't, run their own countries.


  1. lucy,

    first off, everytime an american police officer is at a scene they wield guns... they all carry guns here, even when off duty.

    chemical spray was the replacement for using clubs and the change was applauded as a major step away from being "brutal". now that is butal huh?

    second, while actually rather small, there were dozens of demonstrations, involving thousands of protestors, many of which them crossed the line from protesting to rioting.

    when someone is violating law (criminal trespass) and they won't leave, what is a police officer supposed to do?

    i don't don't approve of police using excessive force, but i also don't approve of citizens crossing the line of the law.


  2. Teargas and baton rounds at protesters sleeping in their tents is not excessive force for trespassing?

  3. It wasnt the trespass, it was the resistance when the police tried to remove them.


  4. The resistance to being shot at by policemen with guns and firing baton rounds and teargas? Those protesters have some damn cheek.

  5. Yeah you gotta be willing to suffer when you break the law. Does take some guts. A crowd seems to make dumb decisions seem smarter...

