FOAB Information

Saturday 17 May 2014

Arsenal FA Cup Winners

Much was made of Arsenal's nine year trophy drought before today's final but hardly anyone mentioned Hull's 110 year wait for silverware but despite a shocking first 8 minutes, the Arsenal drought is now over while Hull's wait stretches to 111 years.

Arsenal should have had three second half penalties, the corner Arsenal equalised off should have been a goal kick and Hull scored their second with a free kick taken at least 3 miles away from where the foul happened but the best moment was with six minutes of injury time remaining.
The producers, switching between cameras to fill time after someone had gone to retrieve the ball from row z after one of Tom Huddlestone's passes, and we see the engraver etching Arsenal's name into the trophy. Back to action and Eniola Aluko's little brother slips around the Arsenal goalie and fires towards an empty net.
Not being half as good as his sister, the shot thankfully went wide but I think the engraver put down the trophy after that until the final whistle

I'm also wondering if they found the lid off the trophy that somehow went missing. I'd check Steve Bruce's bag on the way out.   

Anyway, congratulations Arsenal and a special mention to Jose Mourinho who made the 'Specialist in failure' comment at Arsene in January and then after spending £108 million on players this season, ended it 1 place above Arsenal in the league and with as many trophies as John Terry has Asian friends, none. 


  1. I don't want to p!ss on your chips (much!) but one trophy in a decade during which they've had the 4th largest wage bill in the Premiership isn't exactly over-achieving.

    Also, I know Jose is a bit of a bigmouth, but Wenger made the rod for his own back when he said that "finishing 4th is our silverware" (i.e. as good as a trophy).

    Erm... no it isn't!... and I'm sure the fans on the street yesterday in Islington will be able to tell the difference.

  2. Ouch, i guess we will just have to take our major trophy, entry into the big European Cup and urine soaked chips and go elsewhere.
