FOAB Information

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Climate Change Hitting Home In America's Backyard

I guess it is fair enough that the country that has caused the most damage to the environment is one of the worst affected by the changing climate that it has caused and a report by the National Climate Assessment explain over 840 pages how the damaged climate is affecting America today.
The climate scientists say its main message was that climate change was already disrupting the lives of Americans today in the form of extreme weather, sea-level rise, and the thawing of Arctic sea ice, a shift in growing seasons, and other indicators, the report said.
It said all Americans are experiencing and will continue to experience the effects of climate change and gave examples such as record-breaking heat, drought and wildfires in the south-west, increased downpours and flood risks in the north-east, midwest and Great Plains states and sea-level rises already causing dangerous flooding in low-lying areas like Miami, Norfolk, Virginia, and New Hampshire, the report said.
Drought and high temperatures were already baking California and Arizona and prolonging the fire season in other parts of the south-west.
In California, warmer winters have made it difficult to grow cherries. In the midwest, wetter springs have delayed planting.
The report also warned of a growing risk of contaminated water supply because of sea-level rise and flooding, and poor air quality as hotter temperatures bring smog, and soot from wildfires drifts across the country. Those with allergies are facing longer pollen and ragweed seasons.
'I think maybe this report will be the turning point when people finally realise that this is about them' said Susan Hassol, the chief science writer on the report.
Unfortunately, the effects of climate change are not restricted to the largest polluters such as America and China and everyone suffers but i'm sure that the climate change deniers will be out in force to tell Obama that it's not happening, even while the droughts and floods devastate the country.


  1. People don't trust companies but they trust scientists. The ones who aren't developing robots that will enslave us all anyway.

  2. ha ha, i was thinking something similar. scientists brought us gunpower, missiles, numclear weapons... among other goodies


  3. You know what they say about great minds...

  4. Great mimes do that walking into the wind thing and being stuck in a glass room the same.
